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Shire Radio for lanarkshire Shire Radio Across Lanarkshire
Putting Lanarkshire first. Proudly serving Scotland’s industrial heartland.
On this website you can find information about your town or village by clicking on the blue banners above for your county or click here for communities in North Lanarkshire and here for communities in South Lanarkshire.
You can also find informaton about local and charity organisations based within or serving Lanarkshire by clicking here or on the “Local and Charity Organisations” link in the red banner at the top of the page.
For our Business Directory, click here or on the link in the red banner at the top of the page.
For our YouTube channel, featuring videos of local events or large music playlists, click here or on the YouTube icon at the top right hand corner of the page.
For local sport, click here to access the SHIRE SPORT YouTube channel.
Shire Radio (aka Shire Media) is a registered charity and a volunteer-driven not-for-profit organisation, based in Lanarkshire.
Our purpose is to provide a community hub, an online media hub, a local radio service, local podcasts and locally created videos that are all about Lanarkshire, made by the people of Lanarkshire, all of which are intended to inform, educate and celebrate our heritage, culture, talent, diversity and natural beauty throughout our area.
Proudly serving “Scotland’s Industrial Heartland,” our media hub provides everyone who lives in Lanarkshire with the most information about our communities and our county.
We have created comprehensive lists (with links to websites and social media pages) for local schools, public transport, places of worship, community groups, local amenities, local facilities and local services that are available within or near every town, village, hamlet and inner-town estate in Lanarkshire. To view them, select either North Lanarkshire or South Lanarkshire on this page or the home page, then click on your town, village or hamlet, then click the logos for each category.
Shire Media intends to promote almost every known community and charity organisation based within or serving Lanarkshire.
As well as listing community groups and organisations on the Local Groups page for each town, village and hamlet, we have created comprehensive lists of other groups that serve the whole county. To view them, click HERE.
Shire Media supports local businesses by providing a cost-effective and truly local platform, where they can promote themselves more effectively instead of using regional or national media.
We have created a business directory, featuring great local companies that are based in our county, which offer products and services that we can be proud of. To view them, click HERE.
Shire Media supports EVERYONE in Lanarkshire, regardless of age, disability, faith, gender or race. We are proud to have a diverse population living and working in our county, making this area such a great place to live.
Through our many platforms, we will celebrate our cultural heritage and present-day diversity through music, art, videos, podcasts, information, news, sport, discussions and entertainment, as we endeavour to bring everyone in our county together.
Shire Media is proud of Lanarkshire’s most talented people. Through our many platforms, we will celebrate them through music, art, videos, podcasts, information, news, discussions and entertainment.
We also intend to promote our county’s new and aspiring artists, writers, actors, musicians, comedians, entertainers, sporting champions and more.
Our heritage has made Lanarkshire the epicentre of Scotland’s commerce and manufacturing successes. Our county played a major role in the Industrial Revolution and we continue to have some of Scotland’s (and the UK’s) largest industrial sites.
Throughout this website, we shall be providing pages of pictures and information about the industries that are the reason why our towns and villages exist and why we are proud of our history.
Our county’s towns, villages and hamlets have some of Scotland’s finest buildings and monuments, as well as areas of outstanding natural beauty.
Throughout this website, we shall provide pages of pictures and information about them, as well as listing the many nature walks, forests, lochs, reservoirs, canals, rivers, streams and hills that can be found throughout the area.
If you would like to join our team of volunteers and become of part of Shire Radio and Shire Media, please contact us be e-mail.
To contact us for more information, please email us via this link Email Here
Copyright - Shire Media- Shire Radio SC052212 Local Radio For Lanarkshire.