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Below is a list of local and national support groups for children, youth and parents, with links to their websites and social media pages (if available). If we have forgotten to include any groups, please contact us by e-mail.
Action for Children
Website Facebook Twitter YouTube
Bear Necessities (Supporting vulnerable families in North Lanarkshire)
Website Facebook
Children 1st
Child Poverty Action Group (Scotland)
Website Facebook Twitter
Children in Scotland
Early Years Scotland
Website Facebook Twitter YouTube
Moira Anderson Foundation (Supporting Victims of Child Sex Abuse)
Website Facebook Twitter
Monklands Baby & Family Clothing Aid
Website Facebook
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Children
Website Facebook Twitter YouTube
NHS Children’s Services
PALS (Play and Learning Support)(for children with special needs)
Partners In Play (Support for families of children and young people with disabilities)
Website Twitter YouTube
Peace Child
Website Facebook Twitter
Rascals (ENABLE Scotland)
Rosebuds (Wellwynd Parish Church)
Scottish Childminding Association
Website Facebook Twitter YouTube
Scottish Children’s Reporters Association
Website Facebook Twitter
Action for Children (including young carers)
Website Facebook Twitter YouTube
Airdrie At Home Youth Centre
Children and Young People’s Commissioner
Website Facebook Twitter YouTube
Duke of Edinburgh Awards
Website Facebook Twitter YouTube
ENABLE Ace Youth Groups
Focus Youth Centre
LGBT Youth Scotland
Website Twitter YouTube
Motherwell New Opportunities Youth Club
North Lanarkshire Council Youth Work
NLC Link
North Lanarkshire Youth Theatre
Website Facebook YouTube
Papyrus (Prevention of Young Suicide)
Website Facebook Twitter YouTube
Saltire Awards
Website Twitter
Scottish Youth Parliament
Website Facebook Twitter
Scottish Children’s Reporters Association
Website Facebook Twitter
Young Scot
Website Facebook Twitter YouTube
Young Scot (North Lanarkshire)
Webpage Facebook Twitter
Youth Scotland
Website Facebook Twitter YouTube
Children 1st Parentline
Website Facebook Twitter YouTube
Motherwell Mums
One Parent Families Scotland
Website Facebook Twitter YouTube
Partners In Play (Support for families of children and young people with disabilities)
Website Twitter YouTube
Rascals (ENABLE Scotland)
Relationships Scotland
Website Facebook Twitter YouTube
Scottish Childminding Association
Website Facebook Twitter YouTube
Scottish Children’s Reporters Association
Website Facebook Twitter
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