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Doctors Surgeries within near Braehead, Haywood and Stobwood are listed below, including links to their websites and social media pages (if available), plus links to websites relating to health and well-being.
Telephone numbers shown must only be used for arranging appointments and visits by your doctor during daytime.
At all other times and for medical advice call NHS 24 (Call: 111) or visit the NHS Inform website by clicking here.
DIAL 999 FOR EMERGENCY CALLS ONLY if immediate medical attention is required for an accident or extreme illness.
If any details shown are incorrect, please send any corrections to us by e-mail.
Kingshill Medical Practice
40 Manse Road
ML11 8AJ
Call: 01555 811200
Medwyn Medical Practice
7 Biggar Road
ML11 8HJ
Call: 01555 840214
School Road
ML11 8QF
Call: 01555 870512
Health and wellbeing websites.
Scottish Government policy on health and wellbeing in schools
Copyright - Shire Media- Shire Radio SC052212 Local Radio For Lanarkshire.